Presenters & Sessions:
Summer Summit 2024

Find our summer sessions categorized by grade level below.

Check out our Conference Guide for details on all of the speakers and sessions atĀ our Summer 2024 Summit!


Sessions for everyone, preschool through fifth grade!

Keynote Session with Michael Bonner.
Keynote Session with Kari Yates, Jan Burkins, and Katie Egan Cunningham.
Keynote Session with Katie Garner, author and founder of Secret Stories.
Keynote Session with Kareem Weaver, co-founder and executive director of FULCTRUM (Full and Complete Reading is a Universal Mandate).
Adam Peterson presents The Science Box for preschool to 5th grade educators.
Ashlyn Ellsworth presents Celebrating Kindness in Todayā€™s Classroom for preschool to 5th grade educators.
Bethany Humphrey presents Engagement Through Music for 1st grade to 5th grade educators.
Jackie Powell presents More Than Sand: Multisensory Strategies to Strengthen Your Reading Instruction for preschool to 5th grade educators.
Jennifer LaRocque presents Exploring Our Beautiful World Diverse Through Books for preschool to 5th grade educators.
LeAnna Wolkis-Goldstein presents Mindful Teaching: Nurturing Resilient Classrooms for preschool to 5th grade educators.
Kirsten Tulsian presents Nervous System Regulation: 10 Quick and Easy Tips for Students for preschool to 5th grade educators.
Rachel Glassman presents Supporting Special Needs Students in Your Classroom for preschool to 5th grade educators.
Erica Bohrer presents Google Slides for Educators for preschool to 5th grade educators.
Kelsey Sorenson presents A 3-Step Framework to Revitalize Your Teaching, Renew Your Spirit, and Reignite Your Passion for Life for preschool to 5th grade educators.
Linda Kenngott presents Work-Life Balance: Work Efficiently to Enjoy Life Beyond the Classroom for preschool to 5th grade educators.

Sessions for preschool through second grade educators!

Bryce Sizemore presents Science of Reading Aligned Small Groups from Start to Finish for preschool to 1st grade educators.
Jackie Kops presents Take Two! Letā€™s Plan Two Dramatic Play Transformations for Your Classroom for preschool and kindergarten educators.
Jamie White presents Picture Perfect: Read-Aloud Strategies to Boost Listening Comprehension for preschool and kindergarten educators.
Keri Brown presents Dollar Tree DIY: For Hands on Math and Literacy Fun for preschool to 1st grade educators.
Marsha McGuire presents Sensational Sensory FUN!! for preschool to 1st grade educators.
Emily Yerty presents Morning Magic: Making Arrival the Best Part of the Day for preschool to 2nd grade educators.
Katie Mense presents I'm Done with Centers... Now What?! for preschool to 2nd grade educators.
Lindsay Klassen presents Setting up a Sound Wall for preschool to 2nd grade educators.
Melanie Brethour presents Decoding Dyslexia: Empowering Struggling Readers Through Research-Informed Strategies for preschool to 3rd grade educators.
Kimberly Jordano presents Let's Stream-Line Your Literacy Centers! for kindergarten educators.
Mary Amoson presents SOAR with HFW (Sight) Words for kindergarten and 1st grade educators.
Angela Griffith presents Bridging the Gap: Evidence-Based Strategies for Struggling Readers for kindergarten to 2nd grade educators.
Christina Winters presents Improving Student Learning & Engagement through Active Instructional Practices for kindergarten to 2nd grade educators.
Deedee Wills presents Math Fun! 5 Ways to Bring Hands-on Learning to Math Practice for kindergarten to 2nd grade educators.
Hilary Statum presents Simple Science for kindergarten to 2nd grade educators.
Susan Jones presents Math Routines to Keep Your Students Reviewing! for kindergarten to 2nd grade educators.
Stephanie Stewart presents Road to Decode for kindergarten to 2nd grade educators.
Anna Geiger presents How to Bring the Science of Reading into K-3 for kindergarten to 3rd grade educators.
Brooke Brown presents STEM: Start to Finish for kindergarten to 3rd grade educators.
Tam Milledge presents Spelling Rules Unpacked for kindergarten to 3rd grade educators.
Shannon Cunningham presents Write on Point: Engaging Strategies for Writing for kindergarten to 3rd grade educators.
Lindsay Kemeny presents Making Reading Fluency Your Next Move for 1st grade to 5th grade educators.
Alyssha Swanson presents Unlocking Comprehension with Best Practices Aligned to the Science of Reading for 2nd grade to 5th grade educators.
Jamie Sears presents 3 Little-Known Secrets to Easily Transform Your Students into Thriving & Excited Writers for 2nd grade to 5th grade educators.
Jessica Ivey-Smith presents Grammar Application in Writing for 2nd grade to 5th grade educators.
Laura Driscoll presents Building Your Students' Self-Regulation Skills for 2nd grade to 4th grade educators.
Marcy Bernethy presents Regrouping Made Easy: 4 Strategies to Teach Addition with Regrouping for 2nd grade and 3rd grade educators.
Rebekah Poe presents Differentiation, Accommodation, and Modification- Oh My! for 2nd grade to 5th grade educators.

Sessions forĀ third through fifth grade educators!

Anna Geiger presents How to Bring the Science of Reading into K-3 for kindergarten to 3rd grade educators.
Brooke Brown presents STEM: Start to Finish for kindergarten to 3rd grade educators.
Shannon Cunningham presents Write on Point: Engaging Strategies for Writing for kindergarten to 3rd grade educators.
Tam Milledge presents Spelling Rules Unpacked for kindergarten to 3rd grade educators.
Lindsay Kemeny presents Making Reading Fluency Your Next Move for 1st grade to 5th grade educators.
Bethany Humphrey presents Engagement Through Music for 1st grade to 5th grade educators.
Marcy Bernethy presents Regrouping Made Easy: 4 Strategies to Teach Addition with Regrouping for 2nd grade and 3rd grade educators.
Alyssha Swanson presents Unlocking Comprehension with Best Practices Aligned to the Science of Reading for 2nd grade to 5th grade educators.
Jamie Sears presents 3 Little-Known Secrets to Easily Transform Your Students into Thriving & Excited Writers for 2nd grade to 5th grade educators.
Jessica Ivey-Smith presents Grammar Application in Writing for 2nd grade to 5th grade educators.
Laura Driscoll presents Building Your Students' Self-Regulation Skills for 2nd grade to 4th grade educators.
Rebekah Poe presents Differentiation, Accommodation, and Modification- Oh My! for 2nd grade to 5th grade educators.
Rebekah Poe presents Differentiation, Accommodation, and Modification- Oh My! for 2nd grade to 5th grade educators.
April Smith presents Simple Differentiation Strategies for Writing for 3rd grade to 5th grade educators.
Amanda Nickerson presents Unleashing Literacy Potential: Implementing the Science of Reading in the Intermediate Grades for 3rd grade to 5th grade educators.
Cassi Noack presents Learning in the Fast (or Slow!) Lane: Facilitating Self-Guided Math Adventures for 3rd grade to 5th grade educators.
Chris Kesler presents Incorporating Awesome Phenomena into Your Science Lessons for 3rd grade to 5th grade educators.
Jen Bengel presents Setting up Your Reading and Writing Notebooks for 3rd grade to 5th grade educators.
Joe Camputaro presents No Frills 3-2-1 Reading Strategy for 3rd grade to 5th grade educators.
Shelly Gray presents Multiplicative Reasoning Strategies for 3rd grade to 5th grade educators.
Rachel Jamison presents Using Science Choice Boards to Demonstrate Understanding of Lesson for 4th grade and 5th grade educators.

We are THRILLED to offer professional development for preschool through fifth grade teachers this June!